
Tom Graham


"Love, Share, Invite = Ignite the Fire"



Tom Graham grew up in Hawaii and has worked as a Teacher for the Deaf for 30 years. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Studies from the University of Hawaii, a Teacher Certification from BYU-Hawaii, and a Master’s in Deaf Education from Utah State University. Tom is a convert to the Church and has been sealed to his best friend for over 35 years. They both have 2 children and 6 grandchildren. In Church, Tom has served as a Deaf Group Leader – several times, and as a Bishop’s Counselor. He is currently serving as a Bishop in a hearing ward and an ASL Temple Ordinance Worker. It’s been a fascinating, beautiful, spiritual journey for him. His passions include HIS WIFE!, long-distance biking, nature & photography, and traveling (w/ his wife) – especially to National Parks and Temples. A quote he always needs in his life: “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care” – Theodore Roosevelt