
Ken & VeaLynn Jarvis



Ken and Vea Lynn Jarvis started their journey with the deaf in 1976 upon finding their two oldest children were deaf. One more deaf child and two other children were born to them later. They would like to help everyone understand that every deaf person is different and requires services unique to them. Raising deaf children has no easy fix but there are many resources available for helping in this process to make it doable if you keep an open mind and seek them out. They spent years advocating for deaf rights in Utah Valley, Utah State and the LDS Church.

They were instrumental in getting deaf programs in Alpine School District through USDB, working with the Utah Legislature seeking changes in deaf education and supporting Camp Liahona for Deaf Children. They also started the first multi-regional deaf primary in the church as well as being influential in changes that have created the 44th Deaf Ward, new practices in procedures in the temple and many other church programs. They consider their greatest achievement to be raising 4 successful children, 17 grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren.