Doug Stringham

Doug Stringham


"How to use handbooks and official Communications"




Doug Stringham served an ASL mission in Washington, Hawaii, Oklahoma, Illinois, and Oregon. He has served as a bishop, bishopric counselor, stake presidency counselor, and with Deaf Symposium committees for over twenty years. He is currently called as a designated interpreter to the Provo South Stake presidency and as a ward technology specialist.

Doug and Rachelle have four children, two grandchildren, a whole bunch of pets-in-law, and live in Springville, Utah. He loves the outdoors, good naps, Australia, and spending too much time researching family history. Doug has researched and presented widely on the history of nineteenth-century signing communities and people, including the early Utah Deaf community and nineteenth-century Deaf membership and congregations of the LDS Church (

“Be kind, [because] everyone you know is fighting a hard battle.” Ian McLaren