Delight Lydiate

Delight Lydiate


"The Master Teacher"




Delight Lydiate brings greetings from the land of the desert sun! She is from Idaho. She enjoys taking care of her brood of 4 children and hubby, who hails from the land of Aotearoa-the long white cloud (New Zealand). As a habitual gospel doctrine teacher, she enjoys bringing the scriptures to life and encouraging others to draw closer to Christ. Her current interests consist of making inspirational videos, hiking and fixing things when she is not chasing after her kids. Delight served an ASL mission from 2001-2002 in the NYC, North mission. 

When Delight tires of “adulting,” she recharges with her close friends for ladies’ night as often as possible. As a resident of Phoenix over the past decade, she has come to enjoy the surprises the desert can bring, except the inevitable baking heat of the summer! Delight has recently been working as an ASL Annotator for OmniBridge-an Intel start-up company developing AI translation of ASL to English. Now she is shifting gears and working towards becoming a Certified Deaf Interpreter and getting a master’s in mental health and wellness. Her mantra: “You are loved by your Father in Heaven, and He ‘delights’ in every one of you, no matter where you are in life.” Cheers!