
Bennet & Becky Borden


"Supporting Families of Deaf LGBTQ"



Bennett and Becky Borden live in Heber City, Utah, on Beckett Farm.  The Bordens were married in 2013 and sealed in the Washington DC Temple in 2014. Bennett is a partner and Chief Data Scientist a law firm in Washington, D.C. and Becky works for the Church in the Priesthood and Family department where she focuses on LGBTQ issues and Life Help resources.   Becky and Bennett have known each other for more than 35 years and met when Bennett served part of his ASL mission in Becky’s ward in North Carolina.  In their early 20s both Bennett and Becky came out as gay and lived with same-sex partners for the next 20 years.  They both decided to return to the Church in 2012 and fell in love while going through that experience. They love sharing the things they’ve learned and their testimonies of the Atonement of Jesus Christ in an effort to foster love, inclusion, and respect for all God’s children.