
Robert Belshe


When DeafBlind or Deaf/Hard of Hearing with low vision experience language and visual deprivation, it is not uncommon for their lives to untangle.

My passion is to create a team to provide light and knowledge to these people. I lead the team to help these adults to find joy in receiving the gospel.

Robert understands that no single approach is the right one for every DeafBlind or LowVision Deaf individual. He has the expertise in gathering good team support members and providing the resources needed.

Robert’s callings include Elder Quorum  Presidency, Temple Worker, Primary Teacher, Young Man Presidency, BSA Leader, Ward Clerk, and so forth.  When service opportunities arise.

He willingly participates in a flash as long as there’s no conflict with his busy schedule with a family of 9 (a WonderWife, 4 Valkyrior Girls, 2 X-Men, and 2 Pet Protectors of the Palace).