
Holly Jensen


Holly Parker Jensen was born and raised on a small farm in rural Idaho in the Snake River basin. At age 17, she left for Washington DC, where she received her BA degree in Secondary Education/History and a MA degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Gallaudet University. 

For the next 14 years, she worked as a licensed clinical mental health therapist specializing in assessing and treating DSM-IV-TR disorders. She was promoted to an administrative position as a program coordinator, providing clinical supervision to 11 employees and MA-level counseling interns servicing 150+ Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing clients in the Greater Seattle area. 

After years of providing couples counseling, where finance is one of the top most contentious issues faced by married couples, Holly shifted gears and entered into the area of finance. By becoming certified in cash flow coaching, she successfully assisted many families in getting out of debt. As a small business owner for TetonPines Financial, Inc., she teaches people how to build their wealth with Wall Street alternatives while giving financial consultations.

Holly’s callings are the following; a former Relief Society President for the Salt Lake ASL 1st ward, a Relief Society teacher, and a facilitator for Finding Strength in the Lord: Emotional Resilience classes for the Lehi 44th ward. She is a proud mom to two fine, handsome sons, a happy grandmother to identical twin boys, and a granddaughter.