
Heather Schoemig


Grew up in Pleasant Grove, Utah along with her two deaf brothers Jason and Micah Jarvis, and a sister.  

Learned ASL in 1984 when she started going to EFDY (Especially for the Deaf Youth/BYU Workshops) after her best friend introduced her to it, even though she grew up speaking and learning SEE to communicate with her brother Jason. 

Graduated from Pleasant Grove High and attended Utah Valley State College for a year. Wife of Bill Schoemig and mom to 6 awesome children in addition to 4 spouses to the family.  Four of the children (two in-laws) have been on missions.  Grandma to 4 beautiful grandchildren with four more on their way.  

Went to the Provo ASL ward for many years and is currently in the Lehi 44th ward for the last 7 years.  

Worked at Alpine School District as an ASL para-educator and Deaf Mentor for 14 years. 

Also involved in several ASL projects for education in the district.  

Worked at the Mount Timpanogos Temple for 12 years and was the ASL Sisters Coordinator for 9 years.  

Have held callings in numerous positions since the age of 12 years old such as Nursery leader, Primary teacher, Young Women counselor and girls camp leader, Sunday School chorister, youth and adult Sunday School teacher, Relief Society President, counselor, homemaking leader, Emergency Preparedness Specialist, Relief Society teacher and Stake Relief Society Humanitarian Specialist.  

Have been involved in church projects such as visiting teaching messages, Joseph Smith – President of the Church manual, Primary sharing time 2008 and Come Follow Me Doctrine and Covenants.  

Was also involved with song translations and signing songs in the regional conference, general conferences and several temple dedication broadcasts for the church.  Was the 2016 Chairperson for the Deaf Symposium with her husband in Orem, Utah.