
Dan Shoemaker

Mission Reunion

Daniel first learned ASL during the first part of his mission in Southern California (Fullerton & San Diego) around the spring of 1972. Daniel met his wife at his mother’s hearing ward when he got home from his mission. They married in Mesa, Arizona Temple, lived in California, Colorado, and are currently living in Mesa, Arizona.   They have seven children, including a foster daughter, and their 32nd grandchild is due before the symposium in 2023.  ASL was their children’s first language, with English as their 2nd language.  

Daniel has served as YM president, Stake Mission Presidency, Branch Mission Leader, High Council, YSA advisor, cohort advisor for Pathway Education Program, and Ward Clerk. In addition, they have been serving in Mesa Arizona Temple as ASL Ordinance workers for 17 years.

Since 2016, his world has changed since he discovered that he now has profound bilateral hearing loss, but that doesn’t stop what he enjoys doing. He is currently serving in the Elder Quorum Presidency.