Deaf Symposium
July 23 - 27, 2025
Utah Valley Institute of Religion
Strengths To Bring Down Our Goliaths
The Stone of My Love for God is the bedrock of our faith, making our choices clear and challenges feel lighter.
The Stone of My Faith in Jesus Christ is a powerful weapon against any challenge.
The Stone of the Knowledge of My True Identity reminds us that we are first and foremost children of God.
The Stone of My Daily Repentance helps us turn away from mistakes and become better each day.
The Stone of My Access to God's Power connects us to a source of strength that helps us face challenges, make good choices, and become more resilient.
Join the 2023 symposium to listen to inspiring presenters, engage in activities, and connect with fellow Deaf believers, fostering collective well-being and unity by meeting the diverse needs within the ‘body of Christ’.